Preparing for Your First Consultation with En Bloc Explant Surgeons

If you are considering breast implant removal, en bloc explant surgery may be the best option for you. En bloc explant surgery involves removing the implant and the surrounding capsule in one piece to save you from the risk of silicone leakage or implant rupture. If en bloc explant is the only way out for you, here are some tips to prepare for your first consultation with an en bloc explant surgeon. Conduct preliminary research Before you type your search query for ‘ en bloc explant surgeons near me ’, you should be ready with your preliminary research. Keep your eyes wide open and learn some basics about the en bloc explant surgery before you are fed any information from the surgeon. When you already know a few things, you can easily raise questions to clarify your doubts. Note Down Questions You are already anxious on getting this surgery done and so, you would have many doubts and concerns before you agree for the surgery. So, before you leave for your first consult...