What to Expect After Breast Implant Removal?

Women often undergo breast implants, but the implants need to be replaced after around ten years. Some women get their implants replaced after removal. Others often opt for breast implant removal or explant. 

However, any women undergoing a breast implant have a lingering doubt regarding what to expect after breast implant removal. This post will shed some light on this topic.

●What is the Impact of Implant Size?

The effect of breast implant removal often depends on the size of the implants. Women with smaller implants usually don't experience sagging or drooping. But getting larger implants often stretches the skin. Therefore, women with larger implants are more likely to experience sagging and drooping. 

But the drooping and sagging after larger implant removal can be managed. Performing a breast lift can solve the problem of sagging and drooping after breast implant removal. The process of breast lift revolves around removing excess skin and reshaping the breast tissue. 

●Do Age and Bodily Changes Affect the Results of Breast Implant Removal?

Older women usually have less collagen in the body. Therefore, the skin's elasticity gets reduced, and they are likely to experience bounciness after undergoing breast implant removal. Several bodily changes are also responsible for determining the impact of breast implant removal. Weight loss and gain, menopause, and pregnancy are some factors that affect the elasticity of the skin and breast tissue. 

Ending Note

You should get your breast implant removal done by the best explant experts. Read customer testimonials before choosing a breast explant center. Ask the center what to expect after breast implant removal. 


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